about alphaseconds

Let not managing data or content be a bottleneck towards achieving your operational and marketing goals. An avalanche of data or content can be difficult to deal with.For it to be meaningful, content has to be Discovered, Curated or Created, Applied to various contexts to finally gain actionable insights that truly transform and power your business. Be it in marketing or managing operations. At Alphaseconds we can help you discover data, curate or create content & market/publish them so that you may gain insights into your customers and drive your business.Connect & Engage with us today to understand how we can help you manage data efficiently to enable faster business decisions.

Services Offered

Why Alphaseconds?

  • Thorough understanding of your business needs
  • Strong processes to support execution
  • Quick turn-around times with high accuracy
  • Strong quality processes to deliver quality data
  • Experienced & talented resource pool
  • Being Business-ready is not just a jargon its our philosophy, its in our DNA.

Want to get your data "Business-ready"? Explore our range of services we are sure you will find one that suits your need and purpose. Got a business requirement that needs unique treatment, drop us a note here. We shall revert with a qualified response.

Contact Us

Sachin Karar
Proprietor & Business-Ready advocate
Alphaseconds is led by Sachin Karar who after having worked with some of the leading BPO/KPO companies in India,eventually ventured on to begin AlphaSeconds in July 2004.This privately funded firm has been single handedly driven and fuelled by Sachin's passion to provide Business-Ready data & content!Simply put, we at Alpha Seconds have just one mantra - Drive Client Satisfaction from optimal processes and Technology, fueled by passionate people!

why us?

  • Optimized & Agile Processes
  • Efficient Reporting & Tracking
  • Experienced & Qualified Personnel
  • Quick Turnaround with High Accuracy
  • Strong Quality Control Processes


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Our Philosophy


If you truly get rid of all the jargons, we sincerely believe that all problems could be solved, all solutions could be delivered. All it takes is a simple understanding of requirements done over a conversation, followed by diligent planning of activities & resources all aligned to deliver the goods.